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Arpedon is a construction & engineering company and a leader in condition monitoring solutions. Its Wearable Data Collector - WEARDC® and permanently installed system MAINTNODE® are an integrated condition monitoring system for the supervision of electromechanical facilities. They integrate sensors (vibration analysis, ultrasound, electric motor current signatures, thermography, etc.), analysis tools, automations and alarm features, while providing connections to ERP and CMMS systems for maximum interoperability.


Develop, deploy and maintain a web application, for a single source of truth for data collected by WEARDC® and MAINTNODE® (e.g. equipment usage, performance and maintenance).


We achieved the above objective by developing Mechbase. Mechbase is a web application based on Django, Celery, Postgres and Redis, deployed through GitHub Actions on a Docker Swarm cluster.


We carried out the development of Mechbase from scratch, including multiple components. First, we developed the Django and Postgres web application, which ingests data and presents them in a useful form to the customers. Next, we developed the Celery and Redis workers that process and aggregate these data, for further facilitation. Finally, we developed the agents running on multiple Raspberry Pi devices, deployed on multiple factories, that send data to the Django web application.


In order to keep things as simple as possible we picked Docker as our DevOps foundation. Local development takes place using Docker Compose, optionally inside Dev Containers. The production deployment runs on a Docker Swarm cluster, reusing our Docker Compose configuration. Both builds and deployments are executed via a GitHub Actions self-hosted runner.


Mechbase has been running on production for years now, with continuous updates and spectacular uptime. It’s an active project of Arpedon, maintained by LOGIC, that generates growing annual recurring revenue.

Open Source

As part of our work with Arpedon we reused and further developed open source code that everyone can use. Some examples are Django Prose, our end-to-end rich-text editing solution for Django and sec, our Python library for orthogonal secret management across local development and production.

Our decade-long partnership with LOGIC has been one of our most valuable. Not only are they exceptional on a technical level, but they are also remarkably resourceful and adept at understanding our needs, ensuring that we build exactly what we envision. It’s a great company with great principles.

Tasos Sangiotis | Engineering at Arpedon

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